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Xperia smartphones put the best of Sony’s boundary breaking photography and video technology in the palm of your hand. Jacques Marais, Sony Xperia influencer and passionate user of the Sony Xperia XZ2 and award winning storytelling adventure photographer, shares some tips to perfect your smartphone photography.

Get breathtaking shots of the great outdoors

 Jacques says that the key thing to remember when using HDR  on your Xperia phone is that it works best in high contrast situations – like the back-lit vehicle in the top image. The function works in both video and photography mode and when engaged, automatically adjusts the highlights and shadows to create a more pleasing and dynamic balance – see  image on the left.

Change the Composition

 How you compose your image could make all the difference to the visual story captured within a specific photograph.

One cardinal guideline to remember is the ‘Rule of Thirds’. Divide your image area into 1/3s – both vertically and horizontally, and try to position your subject where these lines intersect. The visual aesthetic will make for more pleasing viewing and tell a better story.

Both subjects in the above images are positioned according to the ‘Rule of Thirds’. The bottom photo tells the story of a ‘mountain ascent’, while the adjusted composition in the top image shouts out ‘head in the clouds’!

 Positioning your Subject

There are so many rules but don’t be afraid to break them! Conventional wisdom says that you should always shoot your subject with the sun behind you, thus illuminating your model.

This generally holds true, but sometimes the silhouette created while shooting straight into the sun can have as pleasing an effect. The silhouette created in this way adds mood or mystery, so I urge you to try it.

The image here is more conventional, with the model illuminated by the late afternoon sun. In the top photo, I positioned the model against the sun for a dramatic silhouette, avoiding excessive lens flare by   blocking out the light source effectively. Be mindful lof   this feature when shooting with the Xperia Low Light  function too.

Change your point of view

Sometimes, a slight adjustment as to where you shoot an image from can make all the difference. The bottom photo was taken from a higher angle, and shows the model against the ocean backdrop. In the top image, I moved down a few metres to silhouette the model against the sky for a more dynamic composition, showing her with the world figuratively at her feet. Both photos are good in their own right, but it shows what a difference 5m can make to the visual story.

One final tip to remember is to keep on experimenting – the more you shoot, the better you will get.

The ground breaking Sony Xperia XZ2 guarantees great mobile photography, irrespective of how you compose your photos. This smartphone comes packaged with a quality Zeiss glass lens. The advanced Motion Eye™ camera records 960fps Super slow motion in HD or Full HD. It also shoots 120fps standard slow motion and allows you to switch between modes to make the most dramatic videos from passing moments.

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