The official industry body for the advertising profession, the Association for Communication and Advertising (ACA) has secured funding toward providing twenty academic bursaries to prospective students looking to enter the exciting world of Copywriting.
The initiative has the full backing and support of the Creative Circle, an organisation dedicated to maintaining high levels of creativity in the South African advertising industry. Both the ACA and the Creative Circle have a vested interest in addressing a skills shortage in Copywriting within the advertising industry.
The courses on offer are a BA in Creative Brand Communication with a Specialisation in Copywriting and a Diploma in Copywriting and will be provided by leading marketing and advertising tertiary institution, the AAA School of Advertising at its Johannesburg campus. Acceptance to the courses however remains dependent upon the results contained within the academic transcript of those individuals applying for the bursary.
Applications will only be accepted online via the ACA website until July 7th, 2019. Aspiring Previously Disadvantaged students are encouraged to apply online at
Copywriting plays a key role in the marketing and communications sector and the industry is encouraging those aspiring story tellers and wordsmiths to participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity. The initiative is part of the industry’s drive to encourage a wider and more diverse pool of creative story tellers to join its ranks.
Crucially, while the availability of funds to ensure the funnel of incoming copywriting students is effectively populated, so is the quality and recognition of the qualification completed. It is within this context that the Creative Circle will be supporting and adding value to the courses on offer from the AAA School.
Says Peter Khoury, Creative Circle Chair: “The Creative Circle is fully committed to working with the ACA in providing opportunities such as these in order to ensure prospective students have the best chance at a successful career in the industry. In order for them to succeed, the Creative Circle will assist in designing a course that will provide a platform for success.”
In a first for the industry and proof of the commitment from the industry, shortlist interviews can be conducted in the applicant’s mother tongue should they so wish. Says Mathe Okaba, CEO at the ACA: “This transformative approach affords applicants the opportunity to express themselves and tell their stories in the language they feel most comfortable with expressing themselves. Historically, students have been limited to expressing themselves in English when applying to study Copywriting, which possibly excluded certain individuals from entering the field.”
“The Creative Circle through its members will play a major role in influencing and guiding these young story tellers throughout their studies, during their holiday breaks whilst they spend time at our agencies and after completion as interns at our agencies,” adds Khoury.
“The industry has been on a journey to transform itself, a journey of inclusiveness. The ACA is proud to be the driving force behind this transformation. Copywriting is a key link in the creative value chain and providing these bursaries, industry relevant tuition and guaranteed work opportunities post-graduation is indeed a game changer,” concludes Okaba.
Applicants need to be aware that the AAA’s medium of instruction remains English, however execution throughout the course can be in another language which fits the creative brief requirements. This change in the course application and execution substantially moves the needle in terms of industry relevant education and instruction.