by Hanleigh | Feb 16, 2022 | Features
By SizweSihle Dlamini, Customer Experience Director, Hoorah Digital Digital isn’t the future, it’s the now, and it holds the potential to play a key role in transforming the South African economy. Adjacent to this is the growth of the data economy, the...
by Hanleigh | Jun 13, 2019 | Features
Movable assets – items that can be relocated from place to place without their original structure being damaged or disfigured – are the lifeblood of many small business owners. An immovable asset that is fixed to land, such as a brick and mortar building, might assist...
by Hanleigh | Nov 28, 2018 | News
Since its opening in 2011, the Volkswagen Business Support Centre in Uitenhage has trained and upskilled over 60 local entrepreuners. The centre in based in Uitenhage and is managed by a business incubator, Raizcorp. The success of the centre has allowed it to extend...