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It’s Spring time! and many of us are cleaning out the clutter in our closets and cupboards, putting away the winter woollies and sprucing up our homes. While you’re about it, why not get rid of some of the unwanted and unneeded apps and widgets littering the home screen on your Android smartphone?

Here are some tips from Alcatel about how you can enjoy a neater and better organised home screen:

  1. Get rid of unwanted apps

After you have had your smartphone for a year or two, your display is likely to be cluttered with icons and apps your never use. Go through your apps, checking for those that you never or seldom use. Tap and hold the icon, then drag it into the app drawer to use it later. Or you can choose to remove or uninstall the app. You can also long-press widgets and move them off your home screen.

  1. Use folders

Rather than having icons for every app on your home screen, you can combine similar apps into quick-access folders. To get started, long-press an app and move it on tap of another one. That will create a shared folder. Add other apps as you see fit. You can name each folder by function or theme, for example: ‘My social apps’, ‘games’, navigation’, ‘my favourites’ and so on.

  1. Get an Android launcher

You can also customise your experience by downloading one of the many third-party launchers for Android. These apps enable you to make your home screen your own by tweaking the look, feel, layout, icons, shortcuts and navigation. Some, like Evie Launcher, are useful for streamlining the look and performance of your device, while others such as Nova Launcher are great for advanced users who really want to put their personal stamp on the home screen.

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