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By Allon Raiz.

We celebrate the strides made by female entrepreneurs in both the local and international context as they pave the way for generations of aspiring young women who hope to one-day build empires of their own. Female-led enterprises are ever-evolving and ever-growing, and continue to catch the attention of investors and business mavericks.

However, it has taken decades of painstaking effort to prove that women are just as capable as men when it comes to running and managing successful and sustainable businesses. For many years now, women have owned and run large companies, they have lead board meetings, and they represent large corporations. Thirty years ago, this would not have been very common due to the nature of the business ecosystem which was dominated by men and male energy. As time has passed, however, we’ve become more and more aware of the positive impact of women and feminine energy within organisations.

I’ve been working in the entrepreneurship space for almost two decades and have worked with thousands of businesses during this time. I have observed something very interesting; a dramatic shift in energy. In these 17 years, I have witnessed the ultra-masculine, hard-nosed, high-ego driven environments become far more collaborative, people-centric and environmentally sensitive at the introduction of the so-called female energy within organisations; which is ultimately brought about by promoting more women-led management positions, and women-led decision making and strategy. The result of this shift has been much happier working environments; lower rates of employee turnover; better, more client-focused product design; and, most importantly, innovative new products and categories being generated through collaborative partnerships within the relative industry ecosystems. The success of these collaborative partnerships continues to further nudge the global shift of feminine energy in the entrepreneurial space, which ultimately softens business constructs and engagement that are often typically masculine.

But, it is also important to mention the equivalent shift that has happened in female-owned businesses. Women have adopted much of the so-called male energy traits such as hard-nosed, strategic behaviour previously associated with male-dominated businesses. Not only have they have become infused with more masculine energy over the last 17 years, they have also become more data driven, output driven and bottom-line driven over the same period. It’s an interesting shift and is fascinating to see how men and women are both learning from one another.

As the shift in feminine energy in the entrepreneurial space continues to grow, I look forward to seeing the fundamental shift in balance in both male- and female-owned businesses – we can certainly learn more about each other, in an effort to better serve and assist one another in the entrepreneurial space.

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