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atingi, a pioneering digital learning platform focusing on providing free, high-quality, and locally relevant learning opportunities, celebrated a momentous achievement on September 17th, as it was honoured as one of 17 game changing digital solutions aimed at advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the SDG Digital event in New York.

The recognition was given to atingi by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with atingi being selected as the champion for SDG4: Quality Education.

The event took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. atingi was presented by Noémie Bürkl, Head of Unit Digital Technologies at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Bürkl explained how the atingi project started and outlined its recipe for success: combining the potential of open-source digital solutions with a partnership model that guarantees a growing library of locally relevant content and a rapid scaling of the platform.

“We feel honoured to receive atingi’s recognition as a champion for SDG4: Quality Education for All,” said Noémie Bürkl. “It reflects our strong commitment to making quality education digitally accessible.” Jan-Gerrit Groeneveld, who heads the project atingi at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, also regards the selection as a great success. “It serves as a testament to the power of digital technologies in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. Many thanks to the ITU, UNDP, and other partners who support atingi’s mission of providing inclusive, accessible, relevant, and safe digital learning for sustainable development.”

atingi’s selection as a champion for Quality Education for All represents a significant milestone. It reaffirms atingi’s dedication to breaking down barriers to education worldwide and creating a positive social impact.

For more information about atingi and its commitment to quality education, please visit https://www.itu.int/hub/2023/09/atingi-unlocking-learning-across-the-globe/ or https://www.atingi.org/.

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