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Novum, a leader in green and modular refrigeration solutions, and its South Africa Partner ColCab, today announced that they have successfully partnered with Food Lovers Market to deliver superior refrigeration units to the retail giant’s newly opened Rustenburg store.

The use of Novum technologies in its new Rustenburg store helps Food Lovers Market meet its mandate to move to solutions that require less energy and are more sustainable in the long run. After an initial proof of concept, Food Lovers Market found the Novum units with their LEAP technology from ColCab to also assist in driving down the store’s day-to-day energy consumption. With its modular design, it is also easily replaceable.

“Refrigeration is the lifeblood of our business. Without reliable solutions, we run the risk of stock loss, a compromise in quality, and costly overheads and product loss over time,” says Pierre Janse van Rensburg, Project Engineer at Food Lovers Market. “With the Novum solutions from ColCab, we are not only assured of meeting our exacting quality standards, but we can now strive to create greener, more sustainable stores into the future while improving our food integrity for the consumer.”

A key benefit to Food Lovers Market is that the advanced air circulation LEAP technology used by the Novum products enables them to place display foods, not just closed boxed goods, in Novum units, something previously not allowed with traditional static freezers. This is a game-changer for the company as it can extend the longevity of its products and ensure the quality of loose items, for example, calamari, mussels, and even frozen vegetables, all while delivering them in a better display.

While the energy benefits were a critical part of Food Lovers Market’s decision to partner with ColCab and Novum, the lower maintenance due to no frosting, product shelf life extension, reduction in potential wastage, the improved displays, and the eventual return on investment as a result of all of the cost-saving factors associated with the units, also played a significant role in the company’s decision to opt for the Novum units.

“Food Lovers Market is an incredible business to work with. They are very clear on their mandates and what they require from a refrigeration solution and will not compromise on these – which is exactly what consumers need from a fresh goods supplier,” says De Wet Solomon, FLM and WW Key Account Manager at ColCab.

“What set the Novum refrigeration solutions apart in the eyes of Food Lovers Market is that they are green, sustainable, circular, use natural refrigerant, are easily upgradeable, require ultra-low energy and are virtually maintenance free,” says Jakub Zasko, Head of Sales for Europe and South Africa, at Novum. “They are also buying into the knowledge that they are getting a premium product with a better warranty, improved serviceability, and a host of functionality that meets their quality standards.”

Novum is an Irish refrigeration giant and a partner of the Irish government’s trade and innovation agency, Enterprise Ireland. The company has established growing trade relationships globally through its partnership with Enterprise Ireland, particularly with ColCab in South Africa. Today, the companies are working with local retailers to assist them in helping them meet their energy efficiency goals.

Novum’s Next Generation LEAP technology revolutionises frozen food refrigeration by addressing key industry challenges such as frequent defrost cycles and high operational costs. Tailored for the future’s eco-conscious customers, it significantly reduces energy usage and CO2 emissions, enhancing sustainability and food integrity. LEAP™ is technologically advanced, with an external evaporator and a forced air system, ensuring even air distribution and external defrost cycles. This results in stable temperatures, no thaw cycles, and minimal frosting. Its design emphasises simplicity and serviceability, easy installation, operation, maintenance, and uses environmentally friendly R290 refrigerant.

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