Agile Africa, South Africa’s top Agile conference will take place from 21 – 22 August 2017, celebrating its fifth meeting of Agile minds. This year’s Agile Africa conference will bring a diversity of local and international speakers, offering delegates opportunities to interact with and learn from people in a variety of environments.
The Agile Africa 2017 conference will feature exciting, innovative Agile related tracks lead by experts and visionaries in the world of Agile. The keynote will include Kent Beck, a pioneer in the world of Agile development, incremental design, test-driven development, extreme programing and is one of the 17 original signatories of the Agile Manifesto in 2001.
Prof Barry Dwolatzky, director of the Joburg Centre for Software Engineering (JCSE) says that Agile Africa will once again be sponsored by Wits University and the JCSE: “We will be the title sponsor for the fifth year and very excited to host a conference that is a pivotal indicator of the undisputed importance of agile in the digital economy. To expect to thrive in such a connected and evolving world without an agile mindset and implementation is too risky to contemplate.”
“It is no secret that the customer of tomorrow is rapidly evolving and so too must businesses and the processes used. Agile is key in this scenario, using technology to shift as and when customer expectations change,” says Dwolatzky. “We expect 2017 to be another successful conference, shaping, guiding and bringing awareness of the importance of Agile.”
The super early bird tickets for the Agile Africa 2017 conference are sold out. Don’t miss out on the early bird tickets for the conference! For registration and for sponsorship opportunities at this amazing event,please visit: http://2017.agileafricaconf.