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Security laws and privacy protocols in the metaverse 

Security laws and privacy protocols in the metaverse 

The metaverse as a concept has gained traction in the real world with individuals and organisations engaging within its digital boundaries. This makes it important to ask the tough questions about privacy, security and legal expectations. Despite its current hype...
The Future is Now: Tech trends that will shape 2023

The Future is Now: Tech trends that will shape 2023

It has been 28 years since the global release of the game-changing PlayStation One. Since then, humanity has developed self-driving cars, smartphones and space craft that can be sent into orbit and retrieved without destroying them. Technology is evolving incredibly...
The top technology trends to look forward to in 2023

The top technology trends to look forward to in 2023

Since the beginning of 2020, technology has really come into its own. With technology being our only way to communicate, brands had to step up to make this communication not only possible, but seamless too. In fact, the global information technology market grew from...
What you need to know about the metaverse

What you need to know about the metaverse

The metaverse raises many big questions on trust and regulation, but perhaps the trickiest question of all, is simply: What is it? At its most basic definition, the metaverse is the internet gone three-dimensional. The word itself was first created by sci-fi...
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