As every marketer knows, being seen on TV matters. Every second of your brand exposure counts, and it’s vital to know how many people are being exposed to the company’s identity at any time, and how it impacts on brand awareness.
According to Harvard researchers, about 90% of purchasing decisions are subconscious. That means the longer your company’s logo is seen, the more likely people are to paying attention to your brand, and the greater the impact is on consumer buying activity. By having greater insight into your company’s visual imprint and impact, you are better able to determine how your brand awareness is built through a loyal audience that is exposed to the brand frequently.
Until recently, it was difficult to track this impact effectively and accurately if the company name wasn’t actually spoken during the broadcast. Now, Novus Group’s Automated Logo Recognition product helps brands quantify the exact amount of broadcast exposure they are getting. By calculating the total screen time exactly, brands gain new insights into the overall impact of sponsorship and brand building campaigns.
How it works
Novus Group’s logo detection software analyses recorded images frame by frame to identify logos. It can identify graphics on a variety of objects, in different shapes and sizes, and with various lighting settings and backgrounds. The product then allows classification of the recognised logos and brands by placement, appearance, and duration of appearance. Think about the difference in impact of a pocket-sized logo versus a banner next to a sporting arena or even a billboard.
Why is Logo Detection important?
Logo Detection plays a key role in informing sponsorship campaign strategies. By verifying return on investment (ROI) more accurately than ever, it provides strong guidance for future actions and tactics taken by media and marketing agencies, TV stations, and business intelligence providers.
This is especially important for sports sponsorships and other sponsored events, where it is important to understand how audiences interacts with the brand across different media sources. This allows brands to effectively leverage logo detection to respond to a consumer in a timely manner.
It also helps detect illegal uses of the logo and protects the brand image by assisting in fraud prevention and identifying counterfeits.
Coming soon to a screen near you
Novus Group’s logo detection product will initially be introduced for television. We will soon expand this service to other media platforms.